Monday, February 16, 2009

Fun Run

So today I ventured outside -- abandoning the dreadmill for a frolic in the outdoors. Here I am at Texas A&M University, its MUCH cooler than usual, and the dreadmill was in use. So I took the risk, and had great fun. If nothing else I got to see the bonfire memorial (which looks a little like Stonehenge). It was much more refreshing than running inside, I may take this up more often --- as long as the temperature cooperates of course.

I have a hard time with face wash, I'll admit that even at the ripe old age of nearly 30 I still have to use Proactiv (a product which I could be a spokesperson for, much like Sams Club). Anyway, this stuff isn't cheap, and I have a problem with leaving it in the shower stalls of my hotel rooms. Twice I have committed this nearly mortal sin; so I have a new policy. I must place my hair gel in a very strange place when taking my face wash to the shower. The hope is that when I go to fetch my hair gel I will be reminded to follow my own policy of getting the face wash first. Its much easier to travel with Amy -- she is always so good at looking in every nook and cranny of a hotel room before we leave; and it works we have never left anything when Amy was on duty.

We take a magazine called Budget Travel -- the first few pages always have travel tips and tricks. I'm not convinced that some of these people enjoy their trips, they are so freaking organized. I've heard we should label Ziploc bags with everything that goes in it. Another recommendation was to put a power strip in your suitcase with all your chargers plugged into it, that way you won't leave without your chargers plugged in all over the room (not a bad idea). But some of the ideas are absurd like keeping a checklist in your suitcase --- when you remove an item you must check a box so you can look for those items when packing (seriously? -- I'd rather leave things than do that).

Happy Monday -- we'll chat latter...

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