Friday, June 11, 2010

Love is not jealous

"Because love is not selfish and puts others first, it refuses to let jealousy in. It leads you to celebrate the successes of your spouse rather than resenting them. It is time to let love, humility and gratefulness destroy any jealousy that springs up in your heart. It's time to let your mate's successes draw you closer together and give you greater opportunities to show genuine love."

Today's Dare: Determine to become your spouse's biggest fan and to reject any thoughts of jealousy. To help you set your heart on your spouse and focus on their achievements, take yesterday's list of negative attributes and discreetly burn it. Then share with your spouse how glad you are about a success he or she recently enjoyed.

Both Steve and I burned our negative lists before we left for Memphis. We threw them in the chiminea in the backyard. It was very ceremonial. LOL

I am so proud of Steve's receiving a promotion at work. He is highly favored by his boss and co-workers. Steve is very organized and has great ideas for improving processes and procedures. He's very easy to get along with and acts as a peacemaker in the office. He presents solutions to problems rather than creating bigger ones. He is wise in decision making. He treats his superiors, his peers and those who work for him with genuine respect. He is very impressive.

And because Steve is all of these wonderful things, I get to stay home and take care of our house and raise our baby. Steve is an amazing husband and a good provider. He seeks wisdom from God and follows his heart. I trust him completely, and I know that he will do everything he can to take care of me and Claire.

I love you, Steven. More than anything. You are wonderful! I am so blessed to be your wife. Thank you for marrying me. I love the life we share together! I am so proud of you!


My turn

Amy is a great Mommy to little Claire -- she is a natural, and I honor her position!

I am so thankful for Amy -- she cares enough to stand up for our family no matter the circumstance

She is passionate about us and all things in our lives, she is driven and motivated

She is kind, pleasant and vibrant. People love her -- they are drawn to her. Amy is very sweet, gentle, happy and a sheer joy to be around.

Amy is beautiful -- her beauty is endless both inside and out! I fall more in love with her every day.

I love being with her, I love that she misses me when I'm gone, I love that she wants to be with me -- most of all I love that she said 'YES! YES! YES!'

Thank you for marrying me sweetheart -- thank you for being sweet to me!


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