Thursday, July 22, 2010

Love seeks to understand

“We enjoy discovering as much as we can about the things we truly care about.  [From our favorite football team to cooking or a subject that appeals to us], we’ll take notice.  But this is where love would ask, ‘How much do you know about your mate?’  Consider the following perspective: if the amount you studied your spouse before marriage were equal to a high school diploma, then you should continue to learn about your mate until you gain a ‘college degree,’ a ‘master’s degree’ and ultimately a ‘doctorate degree.’  Think of it as a lifelong journey that draws your heart ever closer to your mate.  Study them.  Ask questions.  Listen.  Ask God for discernment.  Enter the mystery with expectation and enthusiasm.  Desire to know this person even better than you do now.  Make him or her your chosen field of study, and you will fill your home with the kind of riches only love can provide.”

Today’s Dare:  Prepare a special dinner at home, just for the two of you.  The dinner can be as nice as you prefer.  Focus this time on getting to know your spouse better, perhaps in areas you’ve rarely talked about.  Determine to make it an enjoyable evening for you and your mate.

Steve and I did not complete this dare over dinner.  Instead, we waited until Claire went to bed and then discussed some of the questions that were offered in this chapter.  We also discussed a few other things.  We learned a lot about each other and actually knew each other better than either of us realized.

One of the questions was “How does your spouse prefer to give and receive love?”  Just knowing the answer to this helps you to feel more loved.  Knowing that Steve views certain things as acts of love (both on the giving and receiving end) helps me to see them as that too.

Steve is an amazing man, and I’m so glad that God brought him into my life.  I am honored to have a husband who loves me and desires to make my life as stress-free and perfect as he can.  I am so blessed!

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